You have a lovely clean house and you are fed up with all the hours you spend cleaning it?  Well, worry no more, we have some great cleaning tips that will save you time, giving you your gorgeous sparkling home as well as more time on your hands for other things.

In The Kitchen

Circle Your Way Around: Starting from the right of your oven top, work your way around your kitchen in a clockwise direction. As the cooker top is generally the dirtiest part of the kitchen, it makes sense to leave it to last so you dont spread the grease and grime around. If you put dirty pans and greasy knobs in a bowl of hot, soapy water first to soak and leave them to the end, it will be much easier.

Disinfect the Sink: Your dirty kitchen sink has more bacteria than your toilet seat. Use a disinfectant cleaner, or make your own. To disinfect, clean your sink with warm soapy water first, then spray some neat vinegar and then the same with hydrogen peroxide, and leave to dry (Do not mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together—spray one then the other.) If your sink is stainless steel, make it shine afterwards by using a bit of baby oil and a soft, dry clean cloth to buff.

Dishwasher Duty:: On a weekly basis, shake baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe around the machine’s edges to remove caked-on food or stains. To clean the inside, run an empty cycle with Dishwasher Cleaner. Now and again run a little bleach through your regular cycle to kill germs.

Love Your Oven and hob: On a weekly basis put your trays and bits that can be removed through the dishwasher ….. they come up beautifully.  Clean the inside of your oven with a strong oven cleaner, done regular it is a piece of cake.

Clean as You Go: Fill your sink with hot soapy water just before you dish up dinner dinner. Place used dishes and pans in the filled sink so they’ll be soaking while you eat. Also, wipe up any spillages of sauces, oils, gravy etc straightaway as it’s a lot quicker and easier than if left for a while.

Zap Your Dishcloth: We all know that they are a breeding ground for bacteria. Disinfect yours every night by microwaving it on high for a minute and replace it regularly.

Bathroom Boosters

Make Doors Shine: Rubbing a teaspoon of lemon oil on glass shower doors twice a month causes water to bead up and roll off, thus reducing lime scale buildup.

Shower Curtains: Put it in your washing machine every so often to prevent mould and mildew.

Tame the Toilet: Put a splodge of bleach down the toilet once a week before you go to bed to keep it clean

Sweeping Solutions

Cleaning should always be done top to bottom. That way, any crumbs or dust that fall to the floor while you’re working get picked up last.

Pick the Right Broom: For indoors, choose one with finer bristles to pick up smaller dirt particles. For outdoors, go for stronger, stiffer bristles.

Get Sweeping: To sweep, hold the broom like a canoe paddle, with one hand on top of the handle and the other toward the middle. Push your hands in opposite directions to get the most out of every sweeping stroke. Sweep from the outside in so that you don’t miss any spots, and move the dirt to the center of the room, where it will be easy to pick up.

Bedroom Secrets

Start with the Bed: Get into the habit of making your bed when you get up in the morning. If your bed is made, your bedroom looks neat and tidy.

Address Clothes: Put away clothes after you have worn them and chuck the dirty ones in your linen basket.