Preventative Cleaning Techniques

The best way to keep your home looking good is to take preventative measures.

With just a few minutes of work each day you keep chaos away.

Firstly, make your bed each day, it takes no time at all and makes a big difference to the overall look of your bedroom.  Tidy your clothes away or at least fold them up and chuck the dirty ones in the linen basket.  Keep other bits and pieces tidy as you go along and always put things away.

As you leave any room, glance around and put anything away that isn’t where it should be and get all members of the house to do the same, it really doesn’t take much.

Sort the post as soon as you pick it up from the doormat.  Put unwanted mail in the bin and sort the rest, filing it away and putting the rest in an in tray to be dealt with as and when.

Clean as you cook instead of just piling it all up in the sink and wipe up spillages as soon as you make them.  Use the bin immediately when you have rubbish.

Clean up any mess you make at the time in any room, it is much easier and keeps your house looking a lot nicer.

Sweep the kitchen floor on a daily basis, it only takes a few minutes but makes a big difference and will save time when it comes to your thorough weekly clean.

Use door mats where the door leads to the outside, this will reduce muck coming in.

Adopt a no shoes policy and buy a shoe rack or big basket and place it near the front door.

Use coasters and cutting boards to prevent scratches and burn marks on your lovely surfaces.