How To Clean Windows Like a Pro

What You will Need

A bucket which is preferably wide enough to fit a squeegee

window bucket

A Squeegee.  This is the most important tool of all, so it’s worth spending out on a good quality one in order to do a great professional window cleaning job.  The good quality ones usually come assembled in three pieces,  handle, channel and rubber.  The rubber can be turned over when it gets old and worn, thus saving you a bit of money.  Varying sizes of between 4 and 24 inches can be used, with a 14 inch probably the most common size of all.

window squeegee         window squeegee2

Mop/Washer and Wand.  This comes in 2 pieces, the t-bar and the sleeve.  The sleeve is machine washable, just undo by Velcro and chuck it in your machine when it gets dirty.  A good length is 14 inches.  The handles can be swivel or fixed.  The swivel is easier on the wrist and is better when using a pole.

window mop

Scraper.  This comes with replaceable metal blades and is a great little tool to get rid of marks on windows such as splatters of paint.  It comes in full size or pocket size.  Pocket good for most jobs but full size needed for large areas and putting on the pole.  Know how to use one as explained below otherwise you could do more damage than good.

window scraper   window pocket scraper

Detergent.  Any washing up liquid will do the job.  No need to buy expensive window cleaning liquids.  The suds are important to lubricate the rubber.

Cloths. A few microfiber cloths are very useful.

Pole. An extendable one from 1.5m to 2.3m is very useful but you do need to know how to use it.  A 4 section pole is required for a 3 storey building, however it is almost impossible to clean accurately.  A 2 storey building is about the limit for squeegee and a pole really.

Ladders. A 3 step step ladders are very useful.  Ladders reaching 2.5 storeys good for a pro.

Tool belt.  Useful to hold your scraper and cloths and also supports a side bucket.

How to Clean the Windows

window cleaning

  1.  Fill bucket with cold water (hot water evaporates too quickly) and add a few drops of detergent.
  2. Rub wet mop onto window giving it a good rub to get rid of the dirt.  Use your scraper if there are any stubborn marks.  Only use it in a forward motion as going backwards may cause scratches.
  3. Next you need the squeegee, using it at a 45 degree angle and with the right pressure which comes with practice and should remain constant.  To light and you won’t suck up the water and too heavy and you won’t be able to move it around.
  4. Start at the top of the window in the left corner and snake your way down to the bottom, making sure you go right to the edges.  With practice you will be able to do it with no water marks.  Use a dry clean microfibre cloth after to wipe any left over water marks.
  5. Wipe off any spilt water on window sills and the floor.
  6. If there are any marks left on the window such as finger prints use a bit of soapy water and a microfibre cloth.

That’s all there is to it!!  Now do the same, inside and out, to all windows.