Dusting your house

No one really likes dusting, however, it is a really important job.  Dust mites are prevalent in your home, they are tiny tiny insects that feed off human skin and can be found in mattresses, settees, cuddly toys and other materialed items.  This can cause asthma with some people or other health problems.  So this is why it is so important to clean.

So, first of all gather the tools you want to do the job.  Have a systematic plan of dusting through your house so as not to miss anything.  Putting music on can help as it makes you go faster. Move all items and clean underneath as well as the item itself.  Rinse or shake your cloth regularly.  Don’t forget the hard to reach places.  Use a paintbrush to get into nooks and crannies and use a feather duster to get rid of the cobwebs.  Vacuum furniture using the appropriate attachments.  Lastly vacuum the floors and mop where necessary.