Toothbrushes make excellent cleaning tools. And you don’t even have to buy them for that purpose; just use your old one when it’s too worn out from cleaning your teeth.  Here are some great examples of where your old toothbrush is invaluable, making the job cleaner and easier to do.

Bath and basin plug holes. The area around your bath and basin plug holes is a terrible place for collecting mould, mildew, and other nasty stuff.  A quick brush will remove that stuff  in no time at all.

Grout lines. If you have any tiled areas in your home (floors, backsplashes,  wall tiles, etc) nothing cleans the grout lines as well as a toothbrush. Just spray on some cleaner and brush the surface thoroughly, then wipe away the gunk.

Carpet Stains. If you have a tough stain in your carpet, there’s only so much carpet cleaner can do alone. A quick scrub with your toothbrush will work out even the toughest stains from carpeted areas.

Laundry Stains. Similar to carpet stains, fabric stains in laundry sometimes need a good scrub to really get removed. Use your toothbrush to gently work laundry spot remover into the stain before washing for a better chance of full removal.

Corners and Seams. Corners and seams throughout your house, such as where your kitchen worktops meet your wall, or where your kickboards meet the floor, can get really nasty over time. Your cleaning toothbrush does an excellent job of removing even the smallest dirt particles from these areas.

Light Switches. Light switches are constantly touched by greasy grubby hands and over time can get quite a filfthy film that can be difficult to remove.  Toothbrushes will remove the grime.

Jewellery items, particularly rings, often have small intricate designs that are very hard to clean. Toothbrushes do a great job of bringing back sparkle to your lovely  accessories.

Eyeglasses. If you wear eyeglasses on a regular basis you know how gross the nose and earpieces can get after a while. A toothbrush will get into the smallest nooks and crannies  and get your glasses looking like new again.